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LEARN Annual Meeting

Heidelberg University 310 E Market St, Tiffin, OH, United States

All LEARN members are invited to join us on Thursday, November 9, 2023. This meeting will include: Updates and accomplishments of the Network, Special sessions on member research priorities and […]


Fluoroprobe Workshop

UToledo Lake Erie Center 6200 Bayshore Rd, Oregon, OH, United States

Tobias Bohme from bbe Moldaenke will conduct a workshop on bbe's algal fluorometers, commonly called fluoroprobes, at the University of Toledo's Lake Erie Center. The workshop will include sessions on […]


2023 H2Ohio Wetland Monitoring Program Annual Update


Learn more and register at: Hosted by the Lake Erie and Aquatic Research Network (LEARN), this webinar will highlight updates for H2Ohio Wetland Monitoring Program. Specific topics will include: […]

Event Series Great Lakes PFAS Summit

Great Lakes PFAS Summit


The Great Lakes PFAS Summit will bring together environmental program managers, policy experts, researchers, and contractors from around the Great Lakes region to share new methods of addressing this contamination […]


Great Lakes Data-Sharing Webinar


Great Lakes researchers generate a wealth of data to help understand and solve thorny regional challenges. Several tools exist to help researchers share their data to improve regional collaboration and […]


Lake Sampling Season Start – Lake Erie Center

UToledo Lake Erie Center 6200 Bayshore Rd, Oregon, OH, United States

The first lake trip for the UToledo Lake Erie Center will start around this date. Starting in June, lake trips will take place approximately 3 times per month until mid-October.


47th Larval Fish Conference

Sawmill Creek Resort 400 Sawmill Creek Dr. W., Huron, United States

Join us on the coast of Lake Erie for the 47th Larval Fish Conference of the Early Life History Section of the American Fisheries Society. The conference will be held […]

See website for registration details

IAGLR’s 67th Annual Conference on Great Lakes Research

Caesars Windsor 377 Riverside Dr. East, Windsor, ON, Canada

Shared Lakes: One Water, One Health Join us in Windsor, Ontario! Researchers from around the world will gather in Windsor for the 67th Annual Conference on Great Lakes Research—the fifth […]

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