Call for Abstract, 47th Larval Fish Conference
We invite you to share your science at the 47th Larval Fish Conference (LFC), which is being organized by the Early Life History Section of the American Fisheries Society. Scientific sessions will occur during Monday-Thursday, May 13-16, 2024, at Sawmill Creek Resort, located in Huron, Ohio, on the southern shore of Lake Erie. Eight themes have been proposed for this year’s conference.
- Temporal variability in habitat use and spatial distribution of early life stages
- Recruitment across a freshwater-to-marine continuum: seeking generality
- Life after metamorphosis: ontogeny and its impact on the ecology of juvenile pre-recruits
- Impacts of human-driven environmental change on early life stages
- How it started and how it is going: the value of long-term ichthyoplankton time-series
- Causes and consequences of variability in larval fish foraging and growth
- Aquaculture and mariculture: advancements in egg, larval, and juvenile rearing success
- Advances in systematics, early life history, and population demographics: tools of the trade
Abstracts must be submitted online by Friday, March 1, 2024, at this link. Both oral presentations and posters are welcome.
- Oral presentations will be scheduled for Monday (May 13) through Thursday (May 16). A best student presentation competition will also occur.
- A poster session will occur on Monday (May 13) evening with free food and drinks provided. A best student poster competition will also occur.
In addition to the scientific sessions, the 47th LFC will have multiple off-site excursions from which to choose (e.g., charter fishing, kayaking/canoeing, birding/hatchery tour, science cruise/Stone Laboratory tour), an early career event (focused on preventing scientific burnout), a banquet with free dinner, and a larval fish identification workshop on Friday, May 17. Lots of opportunities will exist to discuss science and socialize with others interested in the early life history of freshwater and marine fishes.
Apply at
- Job Type: Other
- Application deadline: 03/01/2024
- Organization: 47th Larval Fish Conference
- How to apply: Apply at
- Web address:
Contact Information
Stu Ludsin