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Project Coordinator, GLRI-Funded H2Ohio Wetland Soils Research, Kent State University

Wetland Monitoring Program ~ Project Coordinator

The Department of Biological Sciences at Kent State University seeks a full time Project Coordinator for a project funded by the US EPA Great Lakes Restoration Initiative to explore soil nutrient processes in restored wetlands in the Lake Erie watershed of Ohio. The coordinator will contribute to science-based decision making to improve environmental quality by supporting a team of academic researchers from the Lake Erie and Aquatic Research Network (LEARN) and the H2Ohio Wetland Monitoring Program in partnership with the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR). The successful candidate will develop a comprehensive Quality Assurance Project Plan to enable robust research, compile information for quarterly reports, facilitate communication among researchers and project partners, contribute to data collection, analysis, and communication, and other duties as assigned. The candidate will join a dynamic, supportive research group with opportunities for collaboration across disciplines and engagement with state policy makers, stakeholders, and public audiences. This position is supervised by Lauren Kinsman-Costello
(, ).

Examples of duties include: Contribute to internal Program communication by compiling material, drafting text, editing, and formatting internally used documents including ecological monitoring plans and protocols; Develop a comprehensive Quality Assurance Project Plan in compliance with US EPA standards; Support coordination among researchers and partners through scheduling meetings, compiling meeting agendas, taking notes during meetings, and leading follow-up communications; Work closely with the H2Ohio WMP data management team to follow established procedures for data curation, management, and documentation, and contribute to adjustments to data management infrastructure as needed; Facilitate communication using email, slack, and other communication tools; Coordinate production of various communication products by compiling information for program assessment and reporting, drafting text for reports and other communication products, contributing to copy editing and formatting products; Coordinate research travel including logistical operations, reserving necessary facilities, acquiring needed supplies for meetings; Compile information and use excel spreadsheet templates to calculate budget estimates, track Program expenditures across multiple subaward budgets, and facilitate responsible resource use; Maintain and organize shared digital files; Other duties as assigned

  • Posted: January 13, 2025
  • Job Type: Staff
  • Application deadline (expired): 01/21/2025
  • Organization: Kent State University
  • Qualifications: Required Qualifications: Bachelors degree; Excellent organizational and project management skills; Strong interpersonal and written communication skills; Ability and motivation to cultivate a supportive and safe work environment; Attention to detail; Effective at working both independently and as a member of a team; Proven ability to learn quickly and see tasks through to completion; Valid U.S. driver’s license Desired Qualifications: Bachelors in biology, environmental sciences, geology, chemistry, or related field; Experience developing Quality Assurance Project Plans or similar project management and planning documents; Experience and/or familiarity with ecology and environmental sciences; Highly proficient with basic software tools including Google applications and the Microsoft Office Suite; Ability to learn and adapt to using new tools; Experience managing multiple projects simultaneously with incremental deadlines; Familiarity with project management and communication applications like slack and smartsheet; Ability to travel for project meetings.; Familiarity with grant budget accounting and management; Demonstrated ability to carefully proofread and edit the work of others
  • How to apply: APPLY by submitting a C.V. or resume and Cover Letter here:
  • Location: Kent, OH
  • Web address:

Contact Information

Lauren Kinsman-Costello
Kent State University
P.O. Box 5190 Kent, OH 44242 US

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