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Researchers from nearly 20 Ohio institutions have assisted in the development and activities of LEARN. Voting membership in LEARN is open to any individual at an academic institution and for non-voting membership to employees of government/public agencies supporting the goals and objectives of the Network. Membership is currently free, but will move to a fee-based structure in the future. Continue to the form below to request a LEARN membership.

Not from an academic institution or agency? LEARN is currently developing a structure to welcome other sectors engaged in aquatic research in Lake Erie and Ohio’s aquatic ecosystems. To be informed of updates from LEARN, please join as a friend of LEARN.

In principle and in practice, the LEARN network shall value and seek a diverse and inclusive membership. All people, regardless of age, color, race, gender, creed, sexual orientation, class, ethnic origin, national origin, geographic region, disability or impairment, shall have the right of full participation in the Network.

Questions about LEARN membership? Please email us at or contact a member from our Member Directory.

If you are already a member, click here to log in.

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